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Best Wishes from Qingdao Sports Bureau

2021-02-13 22:38

Best Wishes from Qingdao Top 10 Athletes.

With the advent of the Spring Festival in 2021, Qingdao Sports Bureau brings along the top 10 athletes of Qingdao in 2020 to pay a greetings. In the new year, Qingdao sports people will add luster to this open, modern, energetic and fashionable city with more outstanding achievements.

Best Wishes from Qingdao Training Team.

In the Spring Festival of 2021, Qingdao Sports Bureau still has many sports teams stationed outside for training in preparation for the Olympic Games. They can't be reunited with their relatives during the Spring Festival, but they have deep feelings for their hometown and relatives. They use the most simple language to pay New Year's greetings to the people of the whole city and send the warmest wishes in winter.

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